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Introducing the 2020 Peter’s Calendar…

Chemistry. Creativity. Craftsmanship. And a dash of entrepreneurial panache.

Becoming a chocolatier of distinction is a matter of combining the right ingredients in just the right proportions. Having perfected that special formula of art, science and business acumen is one important quality that the twelve companies featured on the pages of our 2020 Peter’s Calendar share in common. Another is their choice of Peter’s Chocolate as the cornerstone ingredient of their enterprise.

Each of the twelve businesses exemplifies the qualities we both admire and hope to inspire. Each of them has generously agreed to share some of their secrets of success. We hope their enthusiasm and passion for chocolate helps to inspire yours throughout the year ahead.

We celebrate these business in their monthly feature:

January Cowboy Up Chocolates, San Angelo, TX

February Bakers Candies, Greenwood, NE

MarchMalley’s Chocolates, Cleveland, OH

April Birnn Chocolates of Vermont, South Burlington, VT

May Donaldson’s Finer Chocolates, Lebanon, IN

JuneSayklly’s Candies, Escanaba, MI

July Graeter’s Ice Cream – Cincinnati, OH

AugustDinstuhl’s Fine Candy Company, Memphis, TN

SeptemberPeterbrooke Chocolatier, Jacksonville, FL

OctoberLaymon Candy Company, San Bernadino, CA

NovemberBoehm’s Candies. Inc. Issaquah, WA

December Fascia’s Chocolates, Waterbury, CT

Download the full PDF version of the 2020 Calendar here.

For more information on Peter’s Chocolate parent company, Cargill, Inc., visit